We tend to think of time as linear. Flying from the past, piercing the present moment, and on into the future. Like an arrow. Time flies we say! The rapid advances in technology we've experienced in our lives only reinforce this idea. Everything is different than it was just a few years ago. But it wasn't always this way. Back before AI there was just I. And people noticed that things tended to return to where they started from. Above is the Drombeg Stone Circle in southern Ireland. The entrance, the center of the circle, and the middle of the altar stone line up exactly with that notch on the horizon. And that's where the sun will set tomorrow, December 21, the Winter Solstice. Just like it did on the same day 3,000 years ago. That's a lot of circles. The days grow longer from that point on. Spring is coming!
My pal Mike Lindauer and I are returning to Ireland this Spring. I've been traveling there most every year for nearly 30 years now. I am always moved by this place. It is familiar and new every time. Would you like to come with us? We still have room for you. The trip is from May 12-21, 2024 and we'll be staying Dublin, Waterford and Limerick this time. Along the way we'll also visit places like the circle above during the day and then we'll be treated to intimate concerts from some of the best songwriters and musicians in Ireland. Mike and I will play for you too, of course. We work with Inishfree Irish Music Tours to make this an unforgettable experience for you all the way around. Here's the link.
As it happens we're also going to Scotland next year. There we'll be working with Scotland Folk Tours using a similar model. The dates for that trip are April 23 - May 6, 2024. We'll start in Glasgow and work our way up through the Highlands and Skye all the way to the Orkney Islands. We still have a few seats left for that one too. Here's the link to learn more about it.
So, still searching for that certain special, amazing gift? I have just the thing for you! Or two things even. Unbeatable when coupled with that mind blowing footrub you be giving soon. In the meantime I'm wishing you much joy and happiness and good company in the days ahead. And remember, Spring is coming! Hey, I just realized. A spring is a circle and a line! Hmmm...
Love to all,
Buddy Mondlock
PS Here's a little Christmas song from one of my favorite Irish songwriters, John Spillane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Risj-leeus4